Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The 4 Parenting Styles What These Styles Are And How...

So far, we have learned why parents act the way they do and how parental attitudes can influence child behavior however, It should be addressed that different parenting styles can also effect child behavior and that these parenting styles are categorized into four distinctive styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Maryann Rosenthal, author of â€Å"The 4 Parenting Styles: What Works and What Doesn’t† describes what these styles are and how they affect children. First off, Rosenthal describes that each parenting style has two main components which are responsiveness and demandingness (1). Responsiveness is described as â€Å"how much independence you’re willing to grant† and demandingness is â€Å"how strict obedience you require† (1). Both these components help define what parenting style parents have. Rosenthal describes authoritarian parents as â€Å"very strict and controlling† and â€Å"they have a st rong sense of justice and of the need of obedience† (2). These types of parents are really controlling to their children, and if they don’t behave as ordered those kids will often be punished (2). Rosenthal explains that these parents are â€Å"highly demanding but not very responsive† and as a result the children of authoritarian parents tend to be â€Å"timid, have lower self-esteem, lack spontaneity, and rely to an unusual degree on the voice of authority† (2). Rosenthal adds that these children usually do well in school and do not have any problems in behavior however,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Parenting Styles and How They Affect Your Children951 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Are the Parenting Styles and How Do They Affect Your Child? How a parent raises their child can affect the child later on in life. 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